Experiencing stress and dissatisfaction at work?

Feeling stuck in a job that drains your energy and leaves you feeling unfulfilled?

Wondering if it’s possible to find a career that truly resonates with your values and strengths?

If these questions resonate with you, then The Alignment Activator is the place where you can find the answers and inspiration you need to transform your life and career.

My Origin Story:

  • 2012: Became a single parent after a difficult divorce, feeling lost and overwhelmed.

  • 2014: Made a bold career change into instructional design, discovering a love for helping others grow and develop.

  • 2020: Became a certified career coach with GetFive, helping clients with career transitions, alignment and personal growth.

  • 2022: Self-published my first book about my career journey, solidifying my passion for writing and helping others.

  • 2023: Started writing on Medium and began earning from my writing within six months, finding validation and purpose.

  • 2024: Started the Alignment Activator as a result of researching career misalignment as a source of burnout.

Moral the story: How your story begins isn’t how your story has to end.

The Alignment Activator is all about helping you find the alignment between who you are and what you do, so you can live a life filled with purpose, joy, and fulfillment.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • 🔥Weekly Articles: Insightful content on career alignment, financial wellness, and personal growth

  • 🔥Community Chat: Paid subscribers can engage in discussions with like-minded individuals.

  • 🔥Monthly Webinars: Deep dive into topics that matter most to your journey (available to paid subscribers).

  • 🔥Personalized Coaching: Get direct support and guidance to accelerate your alignment journey (available to founding members).

Why subscribe? By subscribing, you’ll receive regular insights that empower you to take intentional action towards a life and career that truly resonate with who you are.

Let’s align your career and life together!

Subscribe to The Alignment Activator

Are you stuck in a career rut? If yes, this is the place to be! The Alignment Activator is a go-to resource publication designed to help professionals break free from career misalignment to find the career fit and fulfillment they’ve been yearning for.


L&D Consultant who writes about career alignment, financial wellness and personal growth.